assalamualaikum and a very good moring all.....sounds like i'm gonna give a speech rite??haha...nope at all..just to share some updates regarding me...i've done with almost all papers and only one paper left..alhamdulillah...pray for me ya guys(refer to both genders okay)..
next paper will be on this coming thursday (*shivering like i'm now staying in UK)...family law 2..i do love this subject so i need to score for this paper!!!insyaAllah...ok done with examination topic...stop stop stop itttt...let's continue with this exciting story about me and roomates..yesterday,my sri habibi went to ONG TAI KIM (i'm not so sure with the spelling..haha) and she bought biscuits,milo,sugars,koko krunch(specially for me okay.haha) and some others..last saturday we decided to make our "kek batik" but i'm not so sure whether this "kek batik" is the really "kek batik"...coffee plus milo flavour...kak tasya helped us also..credit to kak tasha also!!!
tulis melayu pulak la baru feel..haha...masa tengah buat kek ni,ramai orang yang lalu lalang dekat balik ktorg tengok ktorg dengan muka yang pelik..pelik sunggguh macam nampak artis pulak...ehemm...kek batik ktorg simple yang teramat..well..simple sudey...susah jugak nak mampatkan kek batik tu..tapi ok la..jadi la jugak just terlebih air so jadi lembik...lepas siap mampatkan kek tu,ktorg pegi kiosk sebab nak pinjam fridge..nak bagi cake tu beku sikit..haha...lepas tiga jam tu,ktorg pegi ambik balik..tak la beku sangat tapi ok la...lepas siap-siap potong tu,ktorg pegi hantar dekat bilik kawna-kawan and jiran tetangga..wahhhh..macam bulan puasa plak kan...haha...walaupun tak menjadi sangat,ramai yang suka kek tu..alhamdulillah..lepas ni boleh try lagi..hehe....kalau buat kek batik dekat rumah menjadi la sebab cukup bahan and equipments kan..dekat hostel ni apa sangat yang ada..haha..
ok la..itu saja...biasalah...saya and roomates kalau menggila macam ni la..stress exam kan...so,lepas exam tu menggila la buat kek batik and layan movie.jerit sana sini..haha...hari ni dah tak boleh menggila..last papet menanti...hoho...ok all..pray for me ya..pray pray pray...
p/s: see...kek batik ktorg siap ada topping lagi tuuuu..haha...walaupun agak buruk tapi sedap wooooo~~~ >_<
krriiuuukkk...suddenly hungry and craving for that cake
ReplyDeletehaha..i can hear that...sound comes from ur tummy..haha...